
Communication Between School and Home

We believe that open, constructive communication between school and parents is the best way to support your child and ensure that they make progress. The School is very successful in providing detailed and regular feedback to parents about the progress and emotional situation of each child.

Communication between parents and schools can be a challenge, but please be reassured that everyone wants what’s best for the child; at times it can be difficult for a teacher to get a piece of information across because of the emotional involvement of the parent: this is an art rather than a science! Please consider carefully the information that the teacher is communicating, as you can be confident it is being given in order to support your child and their progress.

Teachers are encouraged to make contact with parents either through the ‘contact book’ in the Junior School or the student planner in the Senior School or by making phone calls or emails home. At times parents will also be invited to meet a subject teacher, Head of Department or Pastoral Head as appropriate. Formal contact between staff and parents takes place several times a year.