Early Photos
The early days of TJSS!
Photo of the school main entrance 1954
Photooftheschoolmainentrance1954.jpg9Photo of the school main entrance 1954Rosey Simmonds and Keith Johnson 1962, King Wenceslas, Junior School Hall
RoseySimmondsandKeithJohnson1962KingWenceslasJuniorSchoolHall.jpg10Rosey Simmonds and Keith Johnson 1962, King Wenceslas, Junior School Hall1955-1956 A class with either Mrs. Kenny or Mrs. Helen Bevan
(details provided by Bill E. Featherstone 3rd from left in top row)
1955-1956AclasswitheitherMrsKennyorMrs.HelenBevandetailsprovidedbyBillEFeatherstone3rdfromleftintoprow.jpg11955-1956 A class with either Mrs. Kenny or Mrs. Helen Bevan(details provided by Bill E. Featherstone 3rd from left in top row)Lower School Christmas Play 1962, Old King Cole
LowerSchoolChristmasPlay1962OldKingCole.png6Lower School Christmas Play 1962, Old King ColeNo.1 Shakespeare Road (now Mehmet Akif)
Infant class run in 1929 by Mrs Olive Rosaly Ward Stone
No.1ShakespeareRoadnowMehmetAkif)Infantclassrunin1929byMrsOliveRosalyWardStone.png7No.1 Shakespeare Road (now Mehmet Akif)Infant class run in 1929 by Mrs Olive Rosaly Ward StonePhoto of the school 1954
Photooftheschool1954.jpg8Photo of the school 1954School trip circa 1955
Schooltripcirca1955.jpg11School trip circa 1955The Junior School facade
TheJuniorSchoolfacade.jpg13The Junior School facadeThe Junior School Kindergarten 1949-51 (Raymond Bates)
TheJuniorSchoolKindergarten1949-51RaymondBates).jpg14The Junior School Kindergarten 1949-51 (Raymond Bates)The Junior School, 1951, Sports Day
Look at the grounds!
TheJuniorSchool1951SportsDay–Lookatthegrounds.png12The Junior School, 1951, Sports DayLook at the grounds!Van Doren Worman September 1962
Nicosia, Cyprus, 12 years old
VanDorenWormanSeptember1962NicosiaCyprus12yearsold.jpg15Van Doren Worman September 1962Nicosia, Cyprus, 12 years old1965 back of The Junior School Michael Winter, Myriam Arazi-Guy, Upper 4
1965backofTheJuniorSchoolMichaelWinterMyriamArazi-GuyUpper4.png21965 back of The Junior School Michael Winter, Myriam Arazi-Guy, Upper 4Class photo, The Junior School
circa 1952
ClassphotoTheJuniorSchoolcirca1952.jpg4Class photo, The Junior Schoolcirca 1952Belmont Van Doren Worman September, 1962 in Scout uniform for activity
BelmontVanDorenWormanSeptember1962inScoutuniformforactivity.jpg3Belmont Van Doren Worman September, 1962 in Scout uniform for activityJunior School 2nd May 1951
JuniorSchool2ndMay1951.jpg5Junior School 2nd May 1951